Revealing one's Inner Child

Revealing one's Inner Child

It was raining and rather cold, and the wind blew water right into my face. The street was busy, with cars loudly spraying the wet puddles behind them and people hurrying to get home. Their stressed eyes were invisible behind layers of scarf and fogged glasses, their clothes were as gray as the sky. Everybody was struggling as the main character in their own film, ignoring others, being there but not being present.

Suddenly, a rainbow appeared.

The sun broke through the clouds and painted pretty colors on the canvas of the gray sky. The light was so strong it made not one rainbow, but two.

The colors shone on everybody's faces. Smiles appeared everywhere. Fingers of different sizes pointed upwards; the cars slowed down to get a glimpse of its gorgeousness. Strangers started talking to each other excitedly and praised this beauty of a rainbow.

For a brief moment, the rainbow let out everyone's inner child. The colors removed the need for protective layers of scarf and worries, and everyone took a deep breath of the world around us, appreciated nature's magnificence, and beamed like the sun behind us.

Children understand that life is full of beauty. But we seem to forget as we grow older, and bury that child beneath routines and fears. Surprises, like rainbows on rainy days, are proof that they are still alive.